Course: Basic of Teaching aptitude
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Teaching Aptitude


Aptitude can be defined as someone’s natural ability to do something. Teaching aptitude, hence, refers to an individual’s innate ability in teaching. In addition to this, it can also be defined as the ability of a person to teach, once they are given the necessary training.


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Teaching aptitude is a necessity to become a good teacher. UGC NET exam has included aptitude and its application in the syllabus. Teaching aptitude includes various things such as levels of teaching, applications of teaching skills, understanding the characteristics of learners, preparing teaching aids, understanding the learning environment, etc are some of the topics that fall under teaching aptitude.



What a teacher is, is more important than what they teach. The influence of a teacher knows no bounds. Teachers with good aptitude can make a huge difference and make learning effective and interesting. Even if an individual does not have an innate ability to teach, they can be trained to acquire those skills. This is why teacher training and teacher education is of utmost importance. This training is conducted in all teacher training programs and through micro teaching exercises aspiring teachers are taught these skills.


Teaching is not just about subject knowledge. There’s more to education than syllabus and curriculum. A great teacher is one who understands the essence of education in its entirety.


Teaching aptitude is the process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings, and making specific interventions to help them learn particular things. Interventions commonly take the form of questioning, listening, giving information, explaining some phenomenon, demonstrating a skill or process, testing understanding and capacity, and facilitating learning activities (such as note-taking, discussion, assignment writing, simulations, and practice).



Teaching is a social process in which the teacher influences the behavior of the less experienced pupil and helps him develop according to the needs of the society. Effecting coordination among them could be a very difficult task for a teacher and is put to test only on such occasions.


Teaching is an art and science as well. It is a professional activity involving teacher and student with a view to the development of the student. Teaching is a system of actions varied in form and related with content and pupil behavior under the prevailing physical and social conditions.



Teaching aptitude is a subject that assesses a candidate’s ability to understand, learn and communicate effectively with students, and create an environment that is conducive to learning. Wondering why is it important to study this subject. Well, teaching aptitude for UGC NET is essential for career advancement in the teaching profession. Furthermore, teachers who demonstrate strong teaching aptitude may be more likely to be promoted to leadership positions.


This subject evaluates the candidate’s understanding of teaching methodologies, communication skills, classroom management, learning theories, and evaluation techniques.


Important Topics in Teaching Aptitude for UGC NET

Teaching aptitude is essential for effective teaching and is crucial for a teacher’s professional development. The following topics are covered in the teaching aptitude section of the UGC NET syllabus. It is essential to study these topics thoroughly and practice answering questions related to them to achieve a good score in the exam.


Teaching: Concept, Objectives, Levels of Teaching, Characteristics.

Learner’s characteristics: Characteristics of adolescent and adult learners and Individual differences.

Factors affecting teaching: Teacher and Learner, Support material, and Instructional facilities with the Learning Environment and Institution.